YOU are invited to a ‘specialty‘ 4-week study with our p-31 woman Sunday School class,
First Baptist Church Woodstock, GA, Sunday, 8:00 A.M. , Room B101, March 2012
Growing Godly Children God’s Way
Topics: Bend, but Don’t Break, Halleluiah Harvest, Choose the Challenge, Planting Principles, Lavish Love, Profit From Play, Whistle While You Work, Encourage, Communicate, Faithful Fear, Worthy Word, Positive Prayer, Foster Forgiveness, Dealing With Dating, Hospitable Home, Ditch Distractions, Body Building, Watchful Word, Making Melody, Painful Penalty, Negate the Negatives, Duty of Discipline, Teach and Train, Ap t Attitudes, Obedience Means Obey, Noticeable Need, Doing the Deed, Short Subjects, Friendly Family, Honor, Godly Good, Capture Contentment, Faithful and Focused.
We will cover most of these subjects the first three weeks and will have a question and answer session the fourth week.
Starbucks’ coffee will be fresh brewed and ready for you at 7:55…AND a breakfast food snack to energize! We are so looking forward to having you join us for this special time!
Mothers who desire Godly helps from a woman who has been there, done that,
Grandmothers who would like to pass along Godly wisdom and
Any one who is interested in encouraging parents to raise their children God’s way!!!
Let us know if you can be with us. If you have any questions, please contact Bernadine at 404-231-0717
E-mail me, Bernadine, or either of these precious ladies for details regarding Bible studies which will begin in January:
ACWORTH, GA: Home of Carol Ann Hollenbeck, (usually on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month at 1:00 P.M.)
CUMMING, GA: Home of Julie Braddy, (2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at 10:00 A.M.)
ACWORTH, GA: Home of Carol Ann Hollenbeck, (usually on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month at 1:00 P.M.)
CUMMING, GA: Home of Julie Braddy, (2nd and 4th Wednesday each month at 10:00 A.M.)
Friday, 22nd, the Betheas arrived from Alabama. Tim and Juli had just returned from NYC where they had spent five days celebrating their 25th anniversary. We all retired anticipating our exciting family reunion and celebration of the Lord's birth on the weekend.
Saturday, the families drifted in and 28 of us gathered for our 1 o'clock lunch. We missed two of our married grands' families who would join us the next day and Meredith who is in Africa on Mission; Hannah, on mission as well, who has begun her third year in South Asia; Jon and Heather seemed to be in a foreign land because they are living in Sacramento where Jon is attending Law School. We spoke sadly but proudly of each of them. All through the day the contentment that comes from having your "brood" together for awhile and observing their affection for one another and listening to their laughter and seeing the delight on their faces was again a treasured time for Gran'mama and Papa.
At 5:00 we attended the Christmas Eve service at a nearby church where we greeted some old friends and drank in the pleasures of Scripture readings and songs of praise. How can one explain or describe the FEELING as you sit in a church you attended when your children were quite young and sense and feel their love for the Lord AND their children!
Sunday, seven of us visited that same nearby church...great message and good music and certainly a focus on the birth of the King of Kings! Returned home to two beautiful golden turkeys and enough food for the army of 36 as we ate together. Our hearts were full along with our tummies. All of us gathered in the dining room at the end of the meal and our annual sharing began - probably lasted two hours as each member of the family 76 down to 9 years old shared about their 2011 - the joys, the sorrows, the prayer needs.
Monday, we joined the Kimbrough family at their home in Cumming and again feasted on the fellowship and our mutual love for our precious, gracious Savior - God's Gift to each of us.
Now, to the quiet and almost empty house...a laundry room piled high with dirty linens and that thought of "What day do I start taking down these decorations?"
Saturday, the families drifted in and 28 of us gathered for our 1 o'clock lunch. We missed two of our married grands' families who would join us the next day and Meredith who is in Africa on Mission; Hannah, on mission as well, who has begun her third year in South Asia; Jon and Heather seemed to be in a foreign land because they are living in Sacramento where Jon is attending Law School. We spoke sadly but proudly of each of them. All through the day the contentment that comes from having your "brood" together for awhile and observing their affection for one another and listening to their laughter and seeing the delight on their faces was again a treasured time for Gran'mama and Papa.
At 5:00 we attended the Christmas Eve service at a nearby church where we greeted some old friends and drank in the pleasures of Scripture readings and songs of praise. How can one explain or describe the FEELING as you sit in a church you attended when your children were quite young and sense and feel their love for the Lord AND their children!
Sunday, seven of us visited that same nearby church...great message and good music and certainly a focus on the birth of the King of Kings! Returned home to two beautiful golden turkeys and enough food for the army of 36 as we ate together. Our hearts were full along with our tummies. All of us gathered in the dining room at the end of the meal and our annual sharing began - probably lasted two hours as each member of the family 76 down to 9 years old shared about their 2011 - the joys, the sorrows, the prayer needs.
Monday, we joined the Kimbrough family at their home in Cumming and again feasted on the fellowship and our mutual love for our precious, gracious Savior - God's Gift to each of us.
Now, to the quiet and almost empty house...a laundry room piled high with dirty linens and that thought of "What day do I start taking down these decorations?"
From Anya/in the Ukraine who prayed to receive the Lord:
(Had another note from Anya Christmas week and she and Roman will be
married on January 28th)
My Dearest Mrs. Bernadine,
I am so so happy to hear from you!! I've been also thinking a lot about you and everything that had happens to me. It is so amazing!!! You are absolutely right saying that our Lord and Jesus Christ place our lives on the same route and our meeting was a real miracle!!!
I am sorry that I am writing to you just now... I have something to say to you about my life and what changes made my repentance. Off course many things became different for me. First of all when I came back to Kharkov, everybody in Church was very happy for me and gave me a lot of blessings and congratulations. But at most was happy Roman, if you remember he is my fiance and Lesya's brother. At the same time I told him that we will not have the same relationships as we use to, and we will not sleep together until we get marry.
And he agreed with me and sad to me that he supported me in any way. Although if you understand it is not easy...even for both of us. Other thing that i want to say to you is my big big thanks for your book. I am still reading it, and what is amazing for me that it is like giving me an answers on some questions that appears at the moment...or for example, if i have some problems even in relationships with Roman, i start reading your book and here it is an explanation and the answer. Really wonderful and helpful advises you are writing about. And off course i thank to Lord for you and for everything you've done for me.
I am reading a Bible and many things are becoming more and more understanding for me.
One more thing i wanted to share with you....Yesterday we were in our Church and Roman decided to pray and ask God to forgive him for his sins and he also repented to Lord. It was very happy moment for me and for all our Church, because everybody in church knew him and everybody was praying for him alot.
So, we started today our new life both with God. And we are going to try our best to live with love to each other and to our Lord and Jesus Christ.
I want to ask you to forgive me for my English, i know that i possibly made some mistakes in writing and expressing myself. I hope you still understand what i wanted to tell you.
Give my best regards to Wess. And God bless you both.
I will be really happy if you write me more often. Because you became a very important person in my life. Thank you a lot for everything.
With Love, ANNA
married on January 28th)
My Dearest Mrs. Bernadine,
I am so so happy to hear from you!! I've been also thinking a lot about you and everything that had happens to me. It is so amazing!!! You are absolutely right saying that our Lord and Jesus Christ place our lives on the same route and our meeting was a real miracle!!!
I am sorry that I am writing to you just now... I have something to say to you about my life and what changes made my repentance. Off course many things became different for me. First of all when I came back to Kharkov, everybody in Church was very happy for me and gave me a lot of blessings and congratulations. But at most was happy Roman, if you remember he is my fiance and Lesya's brother. At the same time I told him that we will not have the same relationships as we use to, and we will not sleep together until we get marry.
And he agreed with me and sad to me that he supported me in any way. Although if you understand it is not easy...even for both of us. Other thing that i want to say to you is my big big thanks for your book. I am still reading it, and what is amazing for me that it is like giving me an answers on some questions that appears at the moment...or for example, if i have some problems even in relationships with Roman, i start reading your book and here it is an explanation and the answer. Really wonderful and helpful advises you are writing about. And off course i thank to Lord for you and for everything you've done for me.
I am reading a Bible and many things are becoming more and more understanding for me.
One more thing i wanted to share with you....Yesterday we were in our Church and Roman decided to pray and ask God to forgive him for his sins and he also repented to Lord. It was very happy moment for me and for all our Church, because everybody in church knew him and everybody was praying for him alot.
So, we started today our new life both with God. And we are going to try our best to live with love to each other and to our Lord and Jesus Christ.
I want to ask you to forgive me for my English, i know that i possibly made some mistakes in writing and expressing myself. I hope you still understand what i wanted to tell you.
Give my best regards to Wess. And God bless you both.
I will be really happy if you write me more often. Because you became a very important person in my life. Thank you a lot for everything.
With Love, ANNA
Trip to Kiev, Ukraine
(Written primarily by Wes and edited with more details by Bernadine)
We arrived in Kiev, Ukraine a little after noon on Thursday. Leo and our host, Vasilly drove us to the private home where we would spend our next five nights. As we drove through Kiev, we were impressed with the size of the spread out city – the ‘oldness’ and the restoration taking place.
We were greeted by our hostess, Nadia and the comforting aroma of home cooked food. We were settled quickly into our room and shortly invited to ‘run to the market’ with Vasilly. What a supermarket! Just to tour through the different departments and see the vast variety was a nice adventure. And we were told that this particular store was smaller than many.
Everything about the trip and our stay was well organized by Leo Semenov. Serga who heads up the Ukranian Independent Baptist Association had arranged the agenda for the conference, and kept everything moving smoothly for the two days. There was excellent music to begin our day and to fill each break between sessions - a string orchestra, pianist and excellent vocalists. Even though we did not understand the words, we experienced our 'call to worship' each time they performed.
We saw many ladies walking on the streets toward the church as we drove in. Although we arrived quite early, ladies were already in the building and bustling about for registering and receiving their bags of supplies including the Russian translation of Her Husband is Known in the Gates book. The church building was exceptionally nice – seats about 500 to 600 people in the main auditorium. It was a welcome scene to see the continuing flow of attendees as they filled the seats.
Wearing a head dressing was something new for Bernadine and after many considerations, she secured her selected scarf and greeted the precious women of the Ukraine. Many of the ladies were weary from 8 hours driving or 10 hours on a train; yet they seemed patient and ready for sitting and absorbing. The church served meals and host homes were opened for those who had traveled to attend.
When Bernadine stood to speak, she was accompanied by Tanya a nice young lady who translated the talk into Russian. Bernadine was relaxed and put the ladies at ease immediately. She was warm, friendly and engaging and they immediately accepted her. She shared her background and they realized she was not from privilege - not another rich American coming in to correct their lives, but a woman who may have experienced early in life circumstances similar to their struggles.
It was obvious the translator was struggling. She soon became tired and had difficulty with many of the phrases. (Leo intervened in a kind manner to add to the clairity of the translation). After the first session, a young lady who was attending the conference wrote Leo a note about the translation. She requested that Leo do all the translation for better understanding. Leo learned that Lesya would help with translation, if wanted. She was confident that she could help.
There she stood with Bernadine on stage - bluejeans and no head dress in an auditorium of conservatively dressed women, totally comfortable and confident like a woman with a mission. As soon as Lesya began translating, it was obvious the Lord had sent her. She seemed to understand the intent of the message and was full of enthusiasm. She used the same motions and body language that Bernadine used. It was a great experience for me to see the Holy Spirit manifested through these two women. It reminded me of Pentecost!
Later we learned that Lesya [the translator] didn't want to attend the conference but a friend, Anna had insisted. They had a ten hour train ride to get to Kiev and Lesya's husband said, "Go and enjoy" although he was left with three young children to tend. Unknown to her, she was on a mission from the Lord. She had theological training in Ireland and understood and spoke English very well. It was fascinating to witness these two women working together.
The ladies in attendance obviously loved it. They had excellent questions and you could see that Bernadine really connected with them. There were many smiles and some tears. Lives were changed.
At the close of the conference on the second day, Bernadine learned that a lady had come into the church after seeing the book that the attendees had received. She wanted a book. Our Russian friends secured a book for her and she left. They were sharing this when the same lady wandered back into the auditorium and Bernadine walked quickly forward to greet her. She was an attractive 50 year old using a cane and happy to be able to walk again after medical care.
Lesya came alongside and Bernadine shared the Good News of salvation with the lady. She expressed an intense interest and seemed to latch onto every word. Toward the end of the conversation, she said that she wanted to return to her friends and pray privately. Bernadine suggested a prayer so that she would know how to receive Christ, along with the explanation that special words were not so important as the attitude of the heart. After speaking and translation of the suggested prayer, this beautiful young woman said, “that expresses exactly what is in my heart!” Lesya and Bernadine smiled and their eyes sent an understanding and rejoicing message.
Bernadine had been talking with Anna, the young lady who had insisted that she and Lesya attend this conference. Anna could speak some English and she seemed determined to have conversation with Bernadine. Shortly, we learned that Anna was a seeker and not saved. Deep conversation began when Lesya began to translate and in only a few minutes, dear Anna prayed the sinner’s prayer and her quiet tears and profession to others standing around displayed again the power of the work of the Holy Spirit. Yes, the Lord works in surprising ways.
The conference was a glorious success. Bernadine was unbelievable .... energy and love flowed from her. The evaluations were very positive. Serga shared that the ladies (in the office) who read the comments wept with joy.
The following day, Sunday, we both spoke to the whole congregation at a different church That night we returned and Bernadine spoke to their congregation. After the service, she spoke to their large youth group. This was surprising since these are very conservative churches who normally would not approve of women speaking in the church. She spoke each time with a head covering - a scarf or hat which is their custom.
Through the generous gifts from Pam Matthews and Steve Green (Hobby Lobby) we went bearing gifts of jewelry as door prizes. After quiet discussion with leadership, the decision was to withdraw from the original idea and to quietly gift those who were open to wearing some jewelry. Leo especially enjoyed this delightful task. And we are grateful for these two donors and those individuals who paid for books to gift to the ladies.
It was a great trip. We loved the host family where we stayed. They were very kind to us. The home cooked meals were delightful. We enjoyed their extended family as well. All of them worked together in the same host church, invited us to their homes for meals and we felt accepted, loved, and a part of the family. Just another blessing added to the marvelous work of the Holy Spirit as He touched hearts and lives. Tears wet Bernadine's cheeks as the car moved toward the airport at 4:00 A.M. on Tuesday. It was a wonderful mixture of sadness to leave new friends, closing out this wonderful experience which we pray will continue - the work of the Lord in lives, and quiet praises to the King of Kings for allowing us to be a part!!!

We arrived in Kiev, Ukraine a little after noon on Thursday. Leo and our host, Vasilly drove us to the private home where we would spend our next five nights. As we drove through Kiev, we were impressed with the size of the spread out city – the ‘oldness’ and the restoration taking place.
We were greeted by our hostess, Nadia and the comforting aroma of home cooked food. We were settled quickly into our room and shortly invited to ‘run to the market’ with Vasilly. What a supermarket! Just to tour through the different departments and see the vast variety was a nice adventure. And we were told that this particular store was smaller than many.
Everything about the trip and our stay was well organized by Leo Semenov. Serga who heads up the Ukranian Independent Baptist Association had arranged the agenda for the conference, and kept everything moving smoothly for the two days. There was excellent music to begin our day and to fill each break between sessions - a string orchestra, pianist and excellent vocalists. Even though we did not understand the words, we experienced our 'call to worship' each time they performed.
We saw many ladies walking on the streets toward the church as we drove in. Although we arrived quite early, ladies were already in the building and bustling about for registering and receiving their bags of supplies including the Russian translation of Her Husband is Known in the Gates book. The church building was exceptionally nice – seats about 500 to 600 people in the main auditorium. It was a welcome scene to see the continuing flow of attendees as they filled the seats.
Wearing a head dressing was something new for Bernadine and after many considerations, she secured her selected scarf and greeted the precious women of the Ukraine. Many of the ladies were weary from 8 hours driving or 10 hours on a train; yet they seemed patient and ready for sitting and absorbing. The church served meals and host homes were opened for those who had traveled to attend.
When Bernadine stood to speak, she was accompanied by Tanya a nice young lady who translated the talk into Russian. Bernadine was relaxed and put the ladies at ease immediately. She was warm, friendly and engaging and they immediately accepted her. She shared her background and they realized she was not from privilege - not another rich American coming in to correct their lives, but a woman who may have experienced early in life circumstances similar to their struggles.
It was obvious the translator was struggling. She soon became tired and had difficulty with many of the phrases. (Leo intervened in a kind manner to add to the clairity of the translation). After the first session, a young lady who was attending the conference wrote Leo a note about the translation. She requested that Leo do all the translation for better understanding. Leo learned that Lesya would help with translation, if wanted. She was confident that she could help.
There she stood with Bernadine on stage - bluejeans and no head dress in an auditorium of conservatively dressed women, totally comfortable and confident like a woman with a mission. As soon as Lesya began translating, it was obvious the Lord had sent her. She seemed to understand the intent of the message and was full of enthusiasm. She used the same motions and body language that Bernadine used. It was a great experience for me to see the Holy Spirit manifested through these two women. It reminded me of Pentecost!
Later we learned that Lesya [the translator] didn't want to attend the conference but a friend, Anna had insisted. They had a ten hour train ride to get to Kiev and Lesya's husband said, "Go and enjoy" although he was left with three young children to tend. Unknown to her, she was on a mission from the Lord. She had theological training in Ireland and understood and spoke English very well. It was fascinating to witness these two women working together.
The ladies in attendance obviously loved it. They had excellent questions and you could see that Bernadine really connected with them. There were many smiles and some tears. Lives were changed.
At the close of the conference on the second day, Bernadine learned that a lady had come into the church after seeing the book that the attendees had received. She wanted a book. Our Russian friends secured a book for her and she left. They were sharing this when the same lady wandered back into the auditorium and Bernadine walked quickly forward to greet her. She was an attractive 50 year old using a cane and happy to be able to walk again after medical care.
Lesya came alongside and Bernadine shared the Good News of salvation with the lady. She expressed an intense interest and seemed to latch onto every word. Toward the end of the conversation, she said that she wanted to return to her friends and pray privately. Bernadine suggested a prayer so that she would know how to receive Christ, along with the explanation that special words were not so important as the attitude of the heart. After speaking and translation of the suggested prayer, this beautiful young woman said, “that expresses exactly what is in my heart!” Lesya and Bernadine smiled and their eyes sent an understanding and rejoicing message.
Bernadine had been talking with Anna, the young lady who had insisted that she and Lesya attend this conference. Anna could speak some English and she seemed determined to have conversation with Bernadine. Shortly, we learned that Anna was a seeker and not saved. Deep conversation began when Lesya began to translate and in only a few minutes, dear Anna prayed the sinner’s prayer and her quiet tears and profession to others standing around displayed again the power of the work of the Holy Spirit. Yes, the Lord works in surprising ways.
The conference was a glorious success. Bernadine was unbelievable .... energy and love flowed from her. The evaluations were very positive. Serga shared that the ladies (in the office) who read the comments wept with joy.
The following day, Sunday, we both spoke to the whole congregation at a different church That night we returned and Bernadine spoke to their congregation. After the service, she spoke to their large youth group. This was surprising since these are very conservative churches who normally would not approve of women speaking in the church. She spoke each time with a head covering - a scarf or hat which is their custom.
Through the generous gifts from Pam Matthews and Steve Green (Hobby Lobby) we went bearing gifts of jewelry as door prizes. After quiet discussion with leadership, the decision was to withdraw from the original idea and to quietly gift those who were open to wearing some jewelry. Leo especially enjoyed this delightful task. And we are grateful for these two donors and those individuals who paid for books to gift to the ladies.
It was a great trip. We loved the host family where we stayed. They were very kind to us. The home cooked meals were delightful. We enjoyed their extended family as well. All of them worked together in the same host church, invited us to their homes for meals and we felt accepted, loved, and a part of the family. Just another blessing added to the marvelous work of the Holy Spirit as He touched hearts and lives. Tears wet Bernadine's cheeks as the car moved toward the airport at 4:00 A.M. on Tuesday. It was a wonderful mixture of sadness to leave new friends, closing out this wonderful experience which we pray will continue - the work of the Lord in lives, and quiet praises to the King of Kings for allowing us to be a part!!!
Dear Bernadine,
Thank you very much for Your coming to Ukraine and for the message You shared with all the women in Kiev!
It was a special unexpected blessing from the Lord to be part of His plan - to help with interpretation. Every time I remember how everything happened -I fall into silent awe before God - HE is indefinitely wise and high.
Dear Bernadine, if only I could translate to you all grateful words from all the ladies, whom I spoke to afterwards! Everyone was touched and moved by your simple open-hearted message, relevant for every woman, disregarding different nationalities or counties.
On behalf of all of them - THANK YOU! - dear sister in Christ for coming and sharing your experience of being a christian woman!
Also, I would like to thank you and everyone who made it happened - for the gift - YOUR BOOK IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE! Honestly, this is FIRST (known to me) christian book for woman in Russian language that would be SO rooted in Christ and SO embracing famine. Somehow you managed to bring together in perfect balance - Christ centered roots of christian woman's life and acceptance of self's feminine beginning and destiny. THANK YOU!
Do you remember Anya, whom you led to Christ on Saturday's evening?
She is GROWING!!!! Next Sunday after conference we went to church, straight from the railway station, after an overnight train journey to Kharkov. And she confessed there in front of the church that she'd got saved and she is a Christian now. Our pastor met with her the following week. She reads her Bible and other christian books. She told me that on several occasions she felt that God was using your book to speak directly to the needs of her heart. She also was sharing with amazement that things that she had regarded as 'normal' in the past, for some reason became unattractive, meaningless or revolting for her. Last night she was present on our lady's small prayer group. She and my brother Roman have submitted necessary paperwork to register their marriage in December.
I am praying that God would grow her with His indefinite wisdom. As much as I can - I try to be there for her and to support her in her new life with Christ.
Please, pray for her new life in Christ and also, for me to be sensitive for her spiritual needs and to be ready to support her.
Dear Bernadine, on this Thanksgiving Day I Thank You and your Lord for Your example and your story! May God bless you abundantly in every part of you life!
Love in Christ,
Lesya Bondarenko
....not the calendar year, of course, but my year! This past year has been so full of so many interesting turns in my road of life. February 15th was a memorable day with severe back pain. After much prayer, much pain, physical therapy, medical helps and advise, I had to succumb to surgery. There was a loose fragment of a disc that had fallen in love with my sciatic nerve. The nerve did NOT appreciate the constant embrace of the fragment and kept yelling at me!!! In April, Dr. Plas James removed that fragment ... what loving care I had from family, friends, and my sweetheart of a husband, Wes. The trek toward healing is a long one, but the Lord's grace continues to be a constant and always more than needed.
There was Jon and Heather's wedding at the end of July - what a beautiful time of celebration...and now they reside in Sacramento, CA where Heather is working and Jon is in Law School.
There was Jon and Heather's wedding at the end of July - what a beautiful time of celebration...and now they reside in Sacramento, CA where Heather is working and Jon is in Law School.
Always a new song...
Age is sometimes cumbersome; yet there are some great benefits. Realizing that the years spin by so quickly gives you a new appreciation for the moment...a grandchild's phone call, a day with your daughter, an unexpected doorbell ring with a grandson standing there that you haven't seen in a while. This past week I celebrated - for many days my Hallowe'en birthday. It was 'tuff' as a kid...the remarks the other children made about my being born on such a date. Now, MANY people remember my birthday. I'd like to think it is because I am so lovable, but must admit that the Hallowe'en birthday probably helps. :-)
We are preparing for our trip to Kiev. New suitcase! Reading and re-reading the eight sessions that I will share with (hopefully) 500 Pastors' Wives. Wow! when the Lord opens a door...WOW!
Should I wear a silk scarf on my head or a couple of the cute hats that stay in my closet because ladies buy but don't wear hats here in the states? That is the question! I may simply forego and introduce them to "my head covering" - Wes. He's certainly better looking than any hat or scarf!
Mr. Green with Hobby Lobby sent a gift certificate for supplies to make the Gospel bracelets. It seems that is not going to work...I need too many of the same item and they have not called with the order we placed.
Anyone who reads this, please pray for travel, concentration - it is always a challenge to work with a translator. You can prepare and speak only 1/2 of the usual during a session. I am grateful that the Holy Spirit is the REAL language restrictions for such a Teacher!!!
We are preparing for our trip to Kiev. New suitcase! Reading and re-reading the eight sessions that I will share with (hopefully) 500 Pastors' Wives. Wow! when the Lord opens a door...WOW!
Should I wear a silk scarf on my head or a couple of the cute hats that stay in my closet because ladies buy but don't wear hats here in the states? That is the question! I may simply forego and introduce them to "my head covering" - Wes. He's certainly better looking than any hat or scarf!
Mr. Green with Hobby Lobby sent a gift certificate for supplies to make the Gospel bracelets. It seems that is not going to work...I need too many of the same item and they have not called with the order we placed.
Anyone who reads this, please pray for travel, concentration - it is always a challenge to work with a translator. You can prepare and speak only 1/2 of the usual during a session. I am grateful that the Holy Spirit is the REAL language restrictions for such a Teacher!!!
HELP PLACE "Her Husband is Known in the Gates" in Russian homes
Bernadine will be teaching at a Women's Conference in Kiev, Ukraine, in November, 2011. Her Husband... which has been translated into Russian has been re-printed and will be given to the ladies who attend. With your help, we will be able to invade the homes with the gift of this book. If you would like to contribute, please contact Bernadine and Wes.
Her Husband is Known in the Gates
by Bernadine Cantrell
Russian Translation now available
For the first time ever, the Union of Independent Baptist Churches of Ukraine has partnered with T.E.A.R. (The Evangelistic Association of Russia) to host a two day conference for women in the Ukraine. Wouldn’t you like to make this book available for women? Participate in a mission without ever leaving home!
Because of the oppressive history of this region, Russian Christian women have had virtually no resources for encouragement in their homes, in their relationships with their husbands, or growth in their spiritual lives.
The Evangelistic Association of Russia (T.E.A.R.) has translated Bernadine Cantrell’s book into the Russian language…and we need your help to put copies of this beautifully hardbound book into the hands of each of the 500 participants at this conference.
Please send donation to:
TEAR, 4705 Pinecrest Drive, Acworth, GA 30101-4856
All donations are tax deductible.
Her Husband is Known in the Gates
by Bernadine Cantrell
Russian Translation now available
For the first time ever, the Union of Independent Baptist Churches of Ukraine has partnered with T.E.A.R. (The Evangelistic Association of Russia) to host a two day conference for women in the Ukraine. Wouldn’t you like to make this book available for women? Participate in a mission without ever leaving home!
Because of the oppressive history of this region, Russian Christian women have had virtually no resources for encouragement in their homes, in their relationships with their husbands, or growth in their spiritual lives.
The Evangelistic Association of Russia (T.E.A.R.) has translated Bernadine Cantrell’s book into the Russian language…and we need your help to put copies of this beautifully hardbound book into the hands of each of the 500 participants at this conference.
Please send donation to:
TEAR, 4705 Pinecrest Drive, Acworth, GA 30101-4856
All donations are tax deductible.
Russian Ladies' Conference
Saturday, the 8th was a remarkable and glorious day. There were about 120 women present. The music was worshipful. The sessions from 2 til 6 on "What About Me?" and "Man Looks on The Outward!" Pastor Valamir did a grand job of organizing. The men cooked and served a lovely and delicious meal. After we ate, my precious translator sat on the edge of the stage with me as the ladies asked questions. Speaking only for the speaker, me, I was blessed immensely! Thank You, Lord!
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