December 18th Wedding

Christopher Wood and Emily Kate Hollis were married and we surrounded them with family love and support for this important union. We are pleased as we watch two young people who love the Lord begin their life together in building for a ministry together!

Christmas celebration at Christmas

Wes and I spent Christmas in Montgomery with our Bethea family. Wonderful to intrude into their family traditions, food and fellowship! Jonathan proposed to Heather on Christmas morning and we expect to be involved in still another wedding before the end of June. Celebrated on the 27th with Kathryn Mae Kimbrough - her 1st birthday. With so many - it is easy to celebrate some outstanding event at least once a week!

Christmas at Thanksgiving

Every other year, our family gathers for several days to celebrate Christmas at Thanksgiving (the next year at Christmas). We have 39 - soon to be 40 in our growing family. All but dear Hannah who is in South Asia were present on Thanksgiving Day...Brunch at 11:00 after Wes, Jr. and grand daughter, Morgan ran the 1/2 marathon.

After the meal, all 38 gathered in the Dining Room. During the next two hours plus, we had a praise/prayer glorious time! Everyone spoke including the youngest grandchild, just turned 8, up to the eldest, PawPaw. They shared about 2010 and concerns and prayer requests for this next year. Who could possibly ask for anything more?! Not me, praise You, Father, Who made it all possible!


WES completed a specialty class on Sunday mornings at our church, FBCW...ten sessions. This is a great study based on his book, "From the Shop Floor to the Top Floor" and he would be delighted to arrange to do the same with any group in the Metro Atlanta area.


Wes will be teaching a breakout session at the Men's Conference at First Baptist Church, Woodstock for the fourth year! Wonderful conference that Pastor Johnny Hunt has done for many years. It is a blessing to be a part of this important happening. (12,000 men or so for the two weekends)


January plans include a conference for Russian ladies here in the Atlanta area - several churches invited. I will be sharing (with a translator, of course!) "What About Me?" and "Man Looks on the Outward".

Plans are being made for me to teach a Ladies' Conference in the Ukraine, November 11th and 12th, 2011. For me, this is exciting and unbelievable that the Lord is opening that door. The book, Her Husband... , has been so readily received and taken to heart by many Russian ladies. I cannot but stand in awe at the work of the precious Holy Spirit.

EASTSIDE Baptist Ladies' Retreat

March will bring a wonderful time with ladies on retreat to Chattanooga. Something that I am really looking forward to teaching! Will enter the theme the Eastside ladies adopt soon.